Some Summer Lands

For this I am thankful.

Friday, November 18, 2005

But wait, there's more...

There is a yummy chocolate eclair in my fridge.

It is the weekend and I have NO plans :)

America's Next Top model tonight!

I can indulge in mindless tv all afternoon and all evening.

I am owed a tarot reading.

I have found a possible new discrete and non-judgemental confidante.

I Have TWO Bottle of Amaretto!


And I have 10 episodes of Firefly waiting for me on DVD.

And I have a new green paisley mini skirt.

Life is good :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Delicious Surprises

So a few days ago I started asking for lots and lots of delicious surprises and synchronicites in my life.

They are starting to appear.


I am really appreciative of how life works like that.

So, more delicious suprises please! They are the best! And I would also like:
magic everywhere
easy accomplishment of mundane tasks
lots of fun and laughter
lots of proof that this is working
lots of guidance through blindingly obvious signs that I can't possibly miss
meeting lots of cool new people
lots of new experiences

Bring it on!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I have all these good things

An extensive and expanding spirit/liquor collection Fun!
A very cool and spacious and central and relatively cheap apartment.
Very flexible work hours.
A natural and unique "eye" for design/aesthetics.
An interesting mind, which means I am never bored.
Excellent perception and precognition.
An open mind.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


I really really like the interweb. There is so much interesting and useful stuff out there. It is inspiring. I am very grateful that I have limitless access to it. Aren't I lucky?!

Friday, November 04, 2005

My Own Space

I am grateful that I live in a wonderful cool spacious apartment. All that space for me! I can do my own thing. I can meditate I can make messes and leave messes wherever I feel like. I can throw spontaneous parties.

I am grateful that I can have as many anonymous blogs as I like. I can "publish" them in the comfort that only I read them. A lovely lovely freedom. All that space for me!!!! :)